On August 1st, WHCA/WiCAL welcomed Pathway Health to host a webinar on the Facility Assessment requirement. This webinar provided an in-depth look at the CMS requirements for long-term care facilities to complete a Facility Assessment as outlined in F838 and the Minimum Staffing Standards Final Rule.
Click HERE to view the printable slide deck.
CMS mandates long-term care facilities to complete a Facility Assessment as outlined in F838 and the Minimum Staffing Standards Final Rule. This assessment should reflect the unique characteristics of each facility’s resident population, programs, and services, and is essential for determining the necessary resources and services for resident care. It is also used to develop a person-centered staffing plan.
Pathway’s Facility Assessment Toolkit © offers comprehensive resources, including templates, data collection tools, policy and procedure templates, recruitment and retention plan templates, person-centered staffing interactive tools, audit tools, and staff education materials. This toolkit provides step-by-step guidance to help organizations evaluate their resident population, resource availability, and care needs, ensuring a thorough and individualized facility assessment.
When Purchased as an Electronic Version, The Facility Assessment Toolkit © (Electronic Version) is customizable to meet specific State and organization needs. The toolkit includes:
Click the following link to review the table of contents: Table of Contents
All WHCA/WiCAL members receive a 15% discount! Simply use the discount code WHCA15 at checkout.
Click HERE to purchase The Facility Assessment Toolkit © today!
Additionally, our national affiliate, AHCA/NCAL, has produced a new resource:
ahcancalED offers a new resource, titled, Strengthening Facility Assessments to Adapt to Regulatory Changes. The new webinar explains the regulations, the CMS guidance, operational considerations, and examples of what facilities have been used to implement the new requirements. The webinar also offers a question-and-answer section, along with common myths vs. facts to assist nursing facility leadership in fully understanding the regulatory updates to the Facility Assessment. Course objectives include:
The cost of the training is $50 for AHCA members and $75 for non-members and comes with 1.25 NAB CEs and 1.0 contact hour through the Iowa Board of Nursing.
Individuals will need to login to ahcancalED with their AHCA/NCAL usernames and passwords to register. For assistance obtaining usernames and passwords, members should e-mail educate@ahca.org with their name and facility contact information. For questions regarding the facility assessment requirement, members should email regulatory@ahca.org