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WisCaregiver Careers – Medication Aide Pilot Launched

Prescription medication bottles with various colored tablets scattered around.

WHCA/WiCAL is pleased to announce the pilot launch of the career ladder expansion of WisCaregiver Careers. Funded by a $184,000+ Wisconsin Fast Forward grant, the program will retain and upskill 30 CNA’s by providing free Medication Aide training and free certification testing. The training consists of 12 college credits taken directly from Herzing University’s 36-credit LPN degree program, The curriculum features Pharmacology which allows trainees to sit for the Medication Aide Challenge Exam administered by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

WHCA/WiCAL thanks Champion Care for agreeing to be the pilot applicant of this new program. Champion Care has expressed a deep interest in sharing their knowledge gained and lessons learned through its participation in the pilot to help build a model for any members interested in providing CNA to Medication Aide training opportunities.

In the future, we hope to expand the program to our assisted living members and to continue building the career ladder upwards to LPN, RN, MSN, and nursing home administration.

Posted in Workforce