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New Family Care Enrollment Portal and Information Page

Department of Health Services in State of Wisconsin logo

Beginning in September 2024, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) will require all adult long-term care waiver service providers to enroll with Wisconsin Medicaid through the ForwardHealth Portal.

The new process is for those who provide services listed in the DHS MCO contract or the IRIS Service Definition Manual to adults who are older, have a physical disability, or have an intellectual or developmental disability.

The purpose of this new enrollment portal is for DHS to hae an accessible space for all Medicaid information to be stored for easier management. If you are an existing provider, with a ForwardHealth portal, you will only need to check a box adding your facility to the Family Care program within the portal.

DHS will be providing trainings and other resources for providers on how to set up their new portal and make sure they are fully enrolled. They have also launched an information page that is detailed below.

Visit the new webpage on the ForwardHealth Portal.

Discover more about this project by visiting the information page and reading the questions and answers document on the ForwardHealth Portal.

Sign up for email updates from the Adult Long-term Care Waiver Service Provider Enrollment Project.

Access the E-mail Subscription Sign-up page on the Portal to sign up to receive emails about new Adult Long-term Care Updates and trainings.

Subscribe to the Adult LTC Waiver Service Provider Email list.

This email list will share important information such as:

  • Training dates and materials for providers
  • Project milestone updates and townhalls
  • Published Adult Long-term Care Updates containing essential project information

Please contact Kate Dickson with any questions.