WCCEAL Members – Quarter 3 QI Variable Submission period ends October 16th!

Reminder for all WCCEAL Members:

The QI Variable submission period has opened and will remain open through October 15th. Please make sure to get your QI Variable data submitted as soon as you can!

Information on the QI Variable submission process can be found below:

  • Click Here: https://qid.wisc.edu/  and use your login credentials.
  • Click the EQUALITY Tab at the top center of website.
  •  Click the QI Variables Tab (third tab from left)
  • Click QI VARIABLES FORM gray button. (The photo below shows where to locate the form)






If you have any questions about WCCEAL, please contact our Director of Administration and Association Services, Taylor Larson, at taylor@whcawical.org.

Posted in Assisted Living