Opinion Editorial (Op Ed) from David Mills on the Proposed Minimum Staffing Standard

We wanted to bring to all of your attention an excellent Op Ed on the proposed minimum staffing standard authored by David Mills, Managing Partner, North Shore Healthcare.


We have three “asks” of everyone:

  • Please read this article.  David’s article is not only substantive; It is both personal and heartwarming.
  • We ask that you consider doing your own Op Ed to be distributed to local, regional and statewide media outlets.  Please contact Jim Stoa, jstoa@whcawical.org, or Rick Abrams, rick@whcawical.org , if you are interested in doing so.  We will connect you with our media professionals who will assist you in the writing and then handle distribution of the final product.
  • Using this week’s lead article above as a very helpful guide, please submit your personalized comment on the proposed minimum staffing standard to CMS no later than November 6th.

Thank you very much.