Latest ‘Your Resident Profile’ Released on LTC Trend Tracker

This week, the first semi-annual edition of Your Resident Profile for 2022 was released for skilled nursing members. This edition has resident days and episodes for clinical conditions, such as diabetes and schizophrenia, as well as acuity, such as IV feeding and ventilator use. There is data for two timeframes, October 2019 – September 2020 and October 2020 – September 2021, so you can monitor change over time. All data is based off MDS assessments.

Use Your Resident Profile to Update Your Facility Assessment

The facility assessment is a Phase 2 requirement of participation by CMS to receive Medicare reimbursements. Many members use their Resident Profile from LTC Trend Tracker to complete the Facility Assessment Tool developed by the Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs) and thus meet CMS’s requirement. For more on the elements of the facility assessment requirements, check out this ahcancalED webinar.

Access Your Center’s Resident Profile Today Through LTC Trend Tracker

Your Resident Profile is an exclusive AHCA/NCAL member benefit. Once you are a registered user of LTC Trend Tracker, you will receive an email whenever a new publication is released. If you missed the email on the release date or it got caught in a spam filter, you can always access current and historic Resident Profiles within LTC Trend Tracker.

For help accessing or using LTC Trend Tracker, visit the Resource Center or email