Important Study on Religious and Spiritual Services in Long Term Care – Please participate

WHCA/WiCAL is partnering with Saint Mary’s College/Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana and the Transforming Chaplaincy Project on a study that will examine the extent of religious and spiritual care services in long-term care.  The Study is the first of its kind in the United States.  Wisconsin is one of the Study’s focus states.  The study will not ask for any personal information about residents but instead aims to describe the types of services being provided (such as weekly religious services, one-on-one spiritual care visits, and programs hosted by a chaplain, activity staff, local clergy, or volunteer) in a nursing home or assisted living center.  The Study’s goal is to describe, inform and educate.

Facility participation in the study is voluntary and would involve a representative from each center (such as a chaplain, activity or recreational director, or administrator) to complete a short on-line survey.  The participant can opt out of any questions or discontinue the survey as they feel comfortable. All responses are kept private and confidential. Any identifying information about the center or the survey participant will only be known to the research team and not shared in any reports.  Importantly, the identifying information will not be shared with any executive and/or legislative branch policymakers.

Each nursing home or assisted living center that completes a survey will be entered into a raffle for a $200 gift card.

You can expect to receive the survey link shortly. In addition, there will be a session on the study, Spiritual Care in Long-Term Care: Decreasing Isolation & Increasing Resident Satisfaction, at WHCA/WiCAL’s Spring Conference in Green Bay, on Wednesday, April 10, 1:00-2:00 pm.

Questions about the survey can be directed to Louis Arata, Research Project Administrator, Saint Mary’s College,, 574-366-2525.

Thank you very much for your kind consideration of this request.