ICYMI: Reminder: Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) and Process for Short-Term Exemption (STE)
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services would like to remind nursing facilities and PASRR county liaisons about the PASRR STE process. This information applies to individuals admitting to a nursing facility under a PASRR STE.
For nursing facilities
- Nursing facilities must request county approval for all STEs using the County Review of Nursing Home, IMD, or ICF/IID Referrals, F-20822. The PASRR county liaison must fill out, sign, and date F-20822.
- Requests for F-20822 must be made prior to admission.
- Requests for F-20822 should be made by completing a Level I PASRR screen for the resident, and then printing and faxing the Level I to the PASRR County Liaison.
Once the signed F-20822 form is received, Nursing Facilities should upload the F-20822 to the individual’s specific PASRR ID within the ForwardHealth Level I Wizard to show the STE has been approved. - If it is determined that the individual (who is suspected of having a mental illness and/or a development disability) will need to stay beyond the STE exemption period, a PASRR Level II Evaluation must be completed. Nursing Facilities should update the individual’s existing Level I in the ForwardHealth Wizard to indicate “Yes” to “Is the person staying longer than the permitted exemption period?” and upload the requested clinical documentation.
For PASRR county liaisons
- Nursing facilities will continue to fax requests for approval for STEs.
- Requests use the County Review of Nursing Home, IMD, or ICF/IID Referrals, F-20822, which is filled out by the PASRR county liaisons.
- PASRR county liaisons should sign and date F-20822.
- F-20822 should be returned to nursing facilities via fax in a timely manner.
For out-of-state STE requests
Nursing facilities seeking 30-day recuperative care short-term exemptions for out-of-state residents can request approval by faxing the PASRR 30-Day Information Required for PASRR Exemption Letter Request, F-02784, to the number listed on the form. This form does not apply to in-state residents.
Posted in Skilled Nursing