HRSA Begins Provider Relief Fund Repayment Notification
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) began transmitting emails to providers who, based on Provider Relief Fund (PRF) Reporting Period 1 submissions, will be receiving a Repayment Request Notice via the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). In guidance to AHCA/NCAL, HRSA noted:
- Initial notification will come in the form of an alert email to the PRF listed contact(s). The email will not contain the payment specific information included in the Repayment Request Notice.
- Following the email alert, providers will receive, via the USPS, a hard copy letter containing the Repayment Request Notice. The notice will include a Repayment Request Notification ID Number, amount to be repaid and information on HRSA’s Decision Review process (see below).
- Providers who receive an alert email but do not receive a hard copy letter within a week of the alert email should contact the HRSA Provider Support Center at 1-844-968-4207.
- If you have not received an alert email, you should not receive a letter.
- As with other HRSA emails, be sure to check spam filters and email addresses to make sure the alert email is not in a spam folder.
- Providers should not return funds to HRSA until they have conducted their own due diligence on returning funds and should use the Decision Review process as needed. Once funds have been returned, if they were returned in error, HRSA does not have a mechanism to reissue those dollars.
- If a provider does have repayment due, such payments must be returned to HRSA 60 days from the date of the Repayment Notification Letter rather than the email alert date.
This information and more is available at HRSA’s PRF Repayment and Debt Collection webpage.
Posted in Reimbursement News