APPLICATION DEADLINE NEXT WEEK! Funding Opportunity for Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Centers, and Long-Term Care Facilities

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has announced a program to award approximately $4.5 million in matching funds to support nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other types of long-term care facilities (LTCFs). Nursing homes and other LTCFs can apply for matching funds up to 50% of the total project cost with a cap of $20,000 per license.

Click HERE to view the announcement from DHS.

Important Highlights:

  • The deadline for the initial round of applications is Monday, April 25th. This initial round of applications will not be funded on a first come, first served basis. If DHS receives more applications than available funding, applications will be collectively evaluated. So take as much time as you need so long as you meet the April 25th deadline.
    •  If funds are still available after the initial April 25th deadline, the filing window will remain open on a first come – first served basis until all funds are spent;
    • Eligible projects include those that started on or after November 1, 2021. 
  • There is $4.5 million of funding available;
  • This is a matching funds program. Successful applicants will receive matching grants of $20,000 or 50% of the cost of the successful project, whichever is less.
    • For example: A successful project costing $20,000 would receive a $10,000 matching grant. A successful project costing $50,000 would receive a $20,000 matching grant.
  • Nursing facilities, assisted living centers and other long-term care facilities are eligible;
  • Applications are designated by license. This means that if a member operates multiple nursing facilities and/or assisted living centers, each facility/licensee may submit an application;
  • Additionally, while an individual facility/licensee may submit more than one application, the maximum amount of matching grant funding that any one facility/licensee can receive is $20,000:

Eligible Project Types:

Staff retention or recruitment

Facilities may apply for funds that can be used for strategies to recruit new staff and retain existing staff. Examples of ways funds could be used are:

  • Payment for completing classes or education programs
  • Bonuses for staff
  • Support for additional personnel such as dietary and laundry staff and night or weekend coverage staff

Note: Funds proposed as part of the matching funds program cannot be used for the WisCaregiver Program.

Ancillary services

Funding can be used to develop or maintain contracts for ancillary services (phlebotomy, x-ray, transportation, lab draws, etc.) to include hiring additional staff to perform ancillary   services, training existing staff to perform ancillary services, or developing other relationships to provide these essential services.


Facilities can apply for funding for supply needs that support infection prevention and control practices. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Additional shelving so that supplies are not stored on the floor or in shower rooms or so clean supplies can be separated from dirty supplies
  • Covers for shelves or supplies to maintain cleanliness
  • Bladder scanners
  • Environmental services (EVS) supplies that minimize disease transmission (for example, products with shorter contact times, wipes instead of sprays, pre-mixed products rather than those that require staff mixing)
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) (for example, additional supplies that offer sustainability like reusable gowns or eye protection or better staff compliance such as through a staff survey of PPE preferences)
  • Isolation carts or over-the-door hanging units to store isolation supplies
  • Symptom screening kiosks or apps
Technology for infection prevention and control education, outbreak response, or telemedicine

Facilities could purchase tablet computers, laptops, apps, or other types of technology that can support a variety of uses. For example:

  • Online education for staff
  • Facility infection prevention and control process audits
  • Telemedicine
  • Remote infection prevention or outbreak consultations
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) improvements

Matching funds could be used to upgrade HVAC systems or purchase supplies like high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters and other support systems. HVAC improvement projects must be completed between November 2021 and April 2023 to qualify.

Steps for Submitting Your Proposal!

  1. Submit the proposal based on projected costs of the proposed project;
  2. (Hopefully) be approved for matching funds;
  3. Spend money for the approved purpose(s) and keep the receipts;
  4. Submit the project information for reimbursement once complete (this does not need to be completed by the application deadline of April 25). Submit the full project cost in order to be reimbursed with matching funds up to the amount approved under Step 2.

Alternatively, if you wish to submit an application for a project that has already taken place/been paid for, you may do so for projects that have occurred since November 1, 2021.

Click HERE to view the grant webpage and click HERE to view the application.

Questions? Please contact DHS directly, or Rick Abrams, .